
[转帖] 翻译] 【印度时报】航母“维克兰特号”令中国抓狂


翻译] 【印度时报】航母“维克兰特号”令中国抓狂

丨随风丨(2013-8-17 19:55): 标题格式不正确
Aircraft carrier 'INS Vikrant' raises hackles in China
航母“维克兰特号”令中国抓狂龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
BEIJING: The launch of INS Vikrant has raised hackles in China, with Chinese defence experts saying the aircraft carrier would have great significance for India as it would allow the Indian Navy to wade into the Pacific Ocean - which Beijing considers as its backyard.


"This bears great significance to Indian Navy. It makes India only the fifth country after the US, Russia, Britain and France to have such capabilities," senior captain Zhang Junshe, vice-president of China's Naval Research Institute, told the state-run CCTV on Monday.


The Indian Navy will have lead over China as it will have two aircraft carriers by the end of this year with INS Vikramaditya, the refitted carrier from Russia joining INS Viraat, which is already in service even though Vikrant was expected to be operational by 2018, he said.


"Which means by the end of this year India will become the only country in Asia to have two aircraft carriers. This will enhance the overall capabilities especially the power projection capabilities of the Indian Navy," Zhang said.


Ruling out any race for more carriers in the region, Zhang defended India and China having more carriers since they have vast coasts and huge populations and the importance of defending the sea lanes far from home due to dependence on external trade.


Last year China has launched its first aircraft carrier, Lioning. Its hull was imported from Ukraine and refurbished in China.

China also subsequently launched J-15 aircraft to operate from its deck. The ship with over 50,000 tonnes displacement will have about 30 aircraft on its deck.

China is reportedly building two more aircraft carriers but their schedules are not known yet.




Zhang earlier told the state-run China Daily that with Vikrant, the Indian Navy will be more capable of patrolling distant oceans.

"India's first self-made carrier, along with reinforced naval strength, will further disrupt the military balance in South Asia," he said.



India is very likely to quicken its pace to steer eastward to the Pacific, where the US and China are competing to dominate.

The launch of the Vikrant as well as the first nuclear submarine Arihant also aroused the curiosity and concerns among analysts from different state-run thinktanks in China.



"The new indigenous carrier will further strengthen India's naval power and also add some bargaining chips with the world's major military vendors such as Russia," Wang Daguang, a researcher of military equipment based in Beijing said.

Song Xiaojun, a military commentator in Beijing, said the Vikrant uses technology from the 1980s and thus serves as an experiment for the Indian Navy to set technical standards for future vessels.






Rashida Khan (Mumbai)

All of Pacific as backyard -- Megalomania, thy name is Beijing.


major.jacob ()

I think we should first build roads that last at least 366 days and then build aircraft carriers. I recently had an opportunity to drive along a section of the much touted "golden quadrilateral". The quality of such an important road is dismal to say the least. The less said about state highways and local roads, the better.


Morgan (Australia) replies to major.jacob

Different budgets; but India does need to improve it's civil infrastructure urgently.


sukumar (usa)

Do Indian Carriers have defense capabilities against carrier killer Chinese missile systems like df21d ?


Morgan (Australia) replies to sukumar

LOL - US Nimitz class carriers are worried about such capabilities, the Vikrant is still a bit off the mark compared to a Nimitz. Anyway, the whole point of China's A2AD strategy is to deny potential enemies use of it's near space, including carrier assets, whilst the purpose of a carrier is to enforce interest abroad. It's a bit like saying that car (carrier) is used to take you places, but China has tyre spikes around it's borders it can raise if it doesn't want your car there.


Edward Darwin (facts)

india can hardly fix the problem if we our-self become RADICAL rabies ridden. goal of de-radicalization is to wreck enemy plans of weaponizing, radicalizing, financing trouble. And it means converts should not be brainwashed to target the un-converts. And vice-versa.


Edward Darwin (facts)

Native India. in our desh, people get carried away just by news...when things fail...they then accuse all sorts of wrong people.


Raahil S (Location)

Not saying we should not be prepared against the threats from neighboring countries, but honestly our biggest threat is poverty which has already killed millions of Indians. Media is exaggerating many illusionary circumstances from outside threat when the reality is that the threat is from within. Our corrupt politicians are not focusing on education, infrastructure,jobs and hence poverty and mal nutrition.


Morgan (Australia) replies to Raahil S

In a multi faceted world, defense is an essential part of a nation's interest. However, you are very right to point out that domestic problems in India should take precedence. Only by becoming strong (wealthy, educated) internally, can India afford to luxuries of a true carrier fleet and space program.


major.jacob (Location) replies to Raahil S

Raahil, if they work to improve the state of the poor, who can our politicians loot?


Triloki ()

An opener to our hostile neighbors ! India means business in terms of our Defense. We don't terrorize any one, but safe guard that no body tries to exploit and terrorize us ! To strengthen our defense capabilities is our prime duty ! If Bharat Matta is safe ,we are safe ! Any one Indian from kid to senior most is proud of The " Matta " that he can lay down his or her life with pleasure in her service ! So, Mr. Antony, you are the one defense Minister who realized that the Mother Lands' defense is the prime duty and you are doing this duty so brilliantly is a matter of pride ! We need you with this spirit and clarity for a long time ! Reactions from our neighbors are in line with our expectations. Sandwiched between two jostle countries, we have to stand up with dignity and honor and this nobody can deny us ! Congratulations Bharat for this stride forward !


Ram Sharma (USA)

It is ironic that China has been claiming entire South China Sea as its "territory" resulting continuous spat with the neighboring States. On the contrary no such utterances have ever come from Dhoti wearing pseudo-secular Indian netajis. Hindustan needs to have at least if not more than five carriers and it should start planning for it now.


Mirza Jamal (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)

We must be ready to face China properly that is the biggest threat for us


A Singh (Mumbai)

It is very important for our neighbours to remain in fear.


Morgan (Australia) replies to A Singh

Respect and understanding trumps fear and loathing every time.



Three Cheers to India and Indian Naval Forces. While complimenting India China became alert over India acquiring the second Aircraft Carrier. Well done India.


J Kakoti (Golaghat)

but what about china taking over Tibet and now planning Arunachal Pradesh - thanks for weak con rule and even weaker foreign policies!


Edward Darwin (facts)

correction-We can make more of this carrier preferably powered by cheaper nuclear energy and make them cheaper instead of exporting our precious iron/metal ore and destroying tribal lands and forest by banning MNCs. Ban the ore exporting corporate and videshi car makers who are here for take away cheap metal/resource and labor. We have better thinks to export. i dont even know if anyone has DONE risk AUDIT OF SUCH expensive equipment (aircraft carrier)?? In case of aircraft carrier so expensive. They will have to design protection against heavy fire. A design where even if half or more of the aircraft carrier is broken, the rest can function and stay afloat and weapons can be moved. India has submarine from where we can learn some tricks. Coming to submarines. in case of damage (as it happened for USA sub), does it have multiple escape capsule for the crew when it is in deep sea (Russians and UK have deep sea robots, etc). Does it have robotic subs that can pull the defective Submarine. Has anyone done audit of nuclear power safety in case of explosion or crash. India should have to develop new methods it has to avoid being detected?
















[ 本帖最后由 470993532 于 2013-8-20 18:08 编辑 ]


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