这首Love song for Vampire是《惊情四百年》里的主题曲。 歌声中排山倒海而来的旷古悲情催人泪下,在营造气氛上更达到了另一高峰——深邃、孤寂、气势磅礴! 让Annie Lennox来歌唱德古拉伯爵这位旷世情种确实相当合适,旋律缓慢悠扬,电子乐的长音非常有渗透力。 仿佛德古拉伯爵正穿越时空,踏歌而来,去寻找百年之后依然如烈火般的炽热的爱情。 歌声中排山倒海而来的旷古悲情催人泪下,让人明白什么叫”惊心动魄”,什么叫”至死不渝”。 Annie Lennox在MV里的表演妖气森森,充满鬼魅之气,表达这不仅仅属于人间的至爱。 Annie Lennox在营造气氛上更达到了另一高峰—深邃、孤寂、气势磅礴!”首席女伶”这个称谓她当之无愧。 Love Song For A Vampire Annie Lennox Come into these arms again And lay your body down Th' rhythm of this trembling heart Is beating like a drum. It beats for you, it bleeds for you It knows not how it sounds. For it is the drum of drums It is the song of songs. Once I had the rarest rose that ever deigned to bloom. Cruel winter chilled the balm, And stole my flower too soon O loneliness, O hopelessness To search the ends of time, For there is in all the world No greater love than mine. Love....Still falls the rain. Be mine forever... Let me be the only one To keep you from the cold. Now the floor of heav'n is laid, Its stars of brightest glow. They shine for you. They shine for you. They burn for all to see. Come into these arms again And set this spirit free. http://laiya02.free.fr/Music/dracula.mp3 http://laiya02.free.fr/Music/dracula.mp3
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